Family Portrait

Foto Keluarga. tentu bukan hal asing lagi bagi semua orang. disetiap rumah, di dinding ruang tamu pastilah terpajang benda yang satu ini. Namun, kenapa rata-rata ekspresi di poto dinding itu serupa? Jarang sekali terlihat Foto Keluarga yang menunjukkan ekspresi bahagia. Semua selalu nampak terfokus ke kamera, dengan pose dan ekspresi yang sangat kaku  tentunya. what’s wrong with it? Apakah memang harus seperti itu? Apakah memang sudah turun temurun hal ini terjadi pada semua keluarga, terutama di Indonesia?
Family Portrait. Certainly  familiar  for everyone. In every house, in the living room walls must be framed this one thing. However, why the average expression in a similar photograph that wall? Families Portrait rarely seen photos showing happy expression. All the focus is always visible to the camera, with a pose and expression of a very stiffness. What’s wrong with it? Is it really should be like that? Whether it is hereditary this happens in all families, especially in Indonesia?

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